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Ashburton Art Gallery

327 West St

Ashburton | 7700

P | 03 307 7890

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Gallery Hours

Open Daily: 10am - 4pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Closed Good Friday, Anzac Morning and Christmas day


Exhibition Opening – Earthly Origins: Touchstones of Fired Earth

26 November, 2022 at 5.30pm

Join us for the opening of Earthly Origins: Touchstones of Fired Earth on Saturday 26 November at 5.30pm.

Artists Sarah Harper, Hannah Kidd, and Marian Maguire’s contemporary suites of artwork utilise ancient artefacts as a source of artistic inspiration, yet ultimately question societal and gender norms, and recast and reclaim stories.

Their works are examined alongside ancient Athenian vessels on loan from the University of Canterbury’s Teece Museum of Classical Antiquity, showing the way the that ceramic art form has evolved.

All welcome at this free event, light refreshments will be served. Find more information here.

Main Image | Sarah Harper, Bridget #2, 2022, pit-fired porcelain.