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Ashburton Art Gallery

327 West St

Ashburton | 7700

P | 03 307 7890

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Gallery Hours

Open Daily: 10am - 4pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Closed Good Friday, Anzac Morning and Christmas day


Moon Walking

22 August - 9 September 2022


This brief activity is inspired by the Gallery’s current exhibition The moon and the pavement. Visitors are invited to consider their personal memories in relation to the different surfaces they walk upon, and make a small artwork to represent such.

Do you remember what your feet have walked upon today? They may have walked over cracked pavements, jumped in muddy puddles, stomped on crunchy gravel, or ran through freshly cut grass.

What do you think your feet saw?

This activity is designed to make you think about the different environments your body goes through without you fully noticing:

1. To begin, choose a template of a moon phase and cut it out.

2. Then, within your moon remember and draw what your feet have walked upon today.

Signage and example pieces will be at the Museum reception, as well as on the Gallery foyer tables.

Ages: All

Cost: Free; all welcome