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Ashburton Art Gallery

327 West St

Ashburton | 7700

P | 03 307 7890

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Gallery Hours

Open Daily: 10am - 4pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Closed Good Friday, Anzac Morning and Christmas day


The Great Santa Hunt

21 December 2022 - 31 January 2023

The Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum’s Santa Hunt is back these school holidays with a special late night event, so get your torches ready!

We’re turning off all the lights, so bring your torches along to our late night hunt on Wednesday 21 December and try to find our sneaky Santas in their new hiding spots across the museum.

Our Santas will be hiding all summer until 31 January, so come back during our opening hours while the lights are on and search for any you missed on the night – or have a go at finding them all again, it may trickier than you think!

Expert Santa-hunters who can find them all will earn a badge and go in the draw to win a special prize. Good luck and happy hunting.