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Ashburton Art Gallery

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Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Closed Good Friday, Anzac Morning and Christmas day



ZAFAA23 Finalists Announced

January 18, 2023

The Ashburton Art Gallery is excited to congratulate the finalists for the Zonta Ashburton Female Art Award 2023.

With 87 entries the judges had a tough decision in selecting the finalists. Of 42 finalists, 29 artists qualify for the Premier Award and 13 are eligible for the Young Generation Award for female artists between the age of 16-20.

ZAFAA seeks to raise the status of female visual artists and to acknowledge the contribution women make to the greater art discourse. The award is aligned with the values of Zonta International, which exists to advance the status of woman worldwide through service and advocacy.

Once again, a high caliber of artworks has been submitted for consideration in the Awards and work is underway to bring this fantastic exhibition to fruition next month.


Judges for the 2023 awards are:

  • Professor Jane Venis, contemporary practicing artist
  • Lauren Gutsell, Kairauhī Curator at Dunedin Public Art Gallery
  • Caroline McQuarrie, contemporary visual artist and Senior Lecturer in Photography at Whiti o Rehua School of Art Massey University


The Zonta Ashburton Female Art Awards Finalists for 2023 are:

Alix Ashworth, Sarah Beal, Kate Beatty, Amie Blackwell, Jo Burzynska, Kate Cairns, Ynes Guevara-Doyle, Claudia Du.XZ, Charrette van Eekelen, Monique Gooch, Jessica Hamilton, Katie Hayles, Edwards + Johann, Ina Johann, Claire Johnson, Heather Jonson, Carol King, Ira Mitchell, Elizabeth Moyle, Marie Porter, Hazel Rae, Jane Reid, Jennifer Rendall, Hope River, Rebecca Smallridge, Elfi Spiewack, Rebecca Stewart, Jane Whales, Hazel White


Finalists for the Young Generation Award are:

Molly Fitzgerald, Madeline Hann, Kate Harrison, Maiah Henderson, Monica Koster, Molly Mannering, Jorgia McAllister, Roslyn McLean, Emma Nicholson, Gemma O’Neill, Vivien Silver-Hesey, Jorja Shadbolt, Jenny Wang

The award winners will be announced at the exhibition opening on Friday, 10 March at 7pm at the Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum. Coinciding with the awards ceremony is the opening of a solo exhibition by Audrey Baldwin, the Premier Award winner for ZAFAA22. Those wanting to attend the opening and awards evening should RSVP to the Gallery by 3 March 2023.

As with other years, in addition to the main awards, a People’s Choice Award will be open to visitors to vote for their favourite work throughout the duration of the exhibition and will be awarded at its conclusion.