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Ashburton Art Gallery

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Open Daily: 10am - 4pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Closed Good Friday, Anzac Morning and Christmas day



Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024

September 4, 2024

Here’s how you can celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum!

All events are free and all are welcome – Nau mai koutou katoa

Pick up your free set of te reo Māori flashcards from our reception. Featuring images from the AM&HS collection, these flashcards are a fantastic way to practice your ngā tau by counting from one to ten!

Join us at our Two O’Clock Tour of Kim Ireland’s exhibition Mana Māna on Sunday 15 September. Explore the importance of the gourd in te ao Māori and discuss how Kim’s myriad of ceramics provide an analogy for whakapapa.

Then, join us at 5.30pm on Wednesday 18 September for a Te Reo Māori Panel. At this event, we will look back at key historical events that have affected the Māori language since Europeans first landed on these shores, including laws and societal changes that caused the language to almost be lost, as well as key moments in the revitalisation of the reo. We will also hear from our three Māori panelists who will share what connection they’ve had to te reo Māori throughout their lives, what role the language played in their whānau and what it means for them today. Panelists will touch on the sensitive subjects of identity, culture and loss.

Please register for this free event, all welcome!  (Organised with Keep Learning Mid Canterbury)

Lastly, join us for a Cultural Awareness talk on Tuesday 24 September at 12.30pm to hear from Michelle Brett about Māori culture and discuss basic social protocols to help you interact with clients, whānau, and friends.


Ake ake ake!